Nice white-tailed deer track next to my clipboard.
View down the railroad tracks- straight ahead just a few miles is Kentucky!
Updates about Amy's research field seasons for her Masters work in Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences at Virginia Tech.
Nice white-tailed deer track next to my clipboard.
View down the railroad tracks- straight ahead just a few miles is Kentucky!
Frog tracks! Not often seen- these could be green frog or wood frog most likely.
The promised picture of the water truck next to our Jeep! HUGE!
Tri-Peak- the border of Va, Tn, and Ky.
Hike up to Tri-Peak- I am in all three states at once!
The Wilderness Road that pioneers traveled through the Appalachians.
Wilderness Road State Park in Va- they had a living history museum of John Martin's frontier waystation along the Wilderness Rd. around 1775.
Coal is life down here- for me and the locals.
Southern two-lined salamander, Eurycea cirrigera
Red-spotted newt, Notophthalmus viridescens
Eastern box turtle, Terepene carolina, laying her eggs along the side of the road!
This is what happens to overworked grad students.
Red-spotted newt, Notophthalmus viridescens
The infamous ticks that love us so much.
Mountain laurel, Kalmia latifolia
Coverboards before they were laid out at the points.
Virginia-Kentucky District Fair, Wise, Virginia.
Cute Momma and Baby donkey at the fair.
Billy Currington concert! He's the guy with the backwards cap.