Tomorrow we will move out of the field house and back to Blacksburg. I am hesitant to say that I'm "done" because I'm nowhere near finished! Now comes the "not-so-fun" part-- putting the information into the computer and using statistics to see what it tells us. Plus, I get to come back next year and do a 2008 field season all over again! And anyway, we still have salamander stuff to do through September of this year.
Well, we finally got some rain (figures, on the last day!). It rained all last night and through this morning. We got to fit in our last hour of birding this morning before the rain started up again, and got soaked while doing our last coverboard check. Boy was that fun! This evening we will most likely go out to do a final frog call survey to finish up.
So, don't be disappointed, the blog is not finished! Things will just be a bit slower now. I will probably come down 3-4 times to work on some salamander surveys, so I will try and take more pictures and write about what I'm doing.
So I thought I would leave you with some beautiful sunrise shots (not sunsets- it's not over!) to celebrate us not being "done."